6 Noir Novels by Dashiell Hammett (.ePUB)

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6 Noir Novels by Dashiell Hammett
6 Noir Novels by Dashiell Hammett (.ePUB) : ePUB Reader | Size: 1.164 MB
http://free-ebooktorrent.blogspot.com/ - 6 Noir Novels by Dashiell Hammett (.ePUB): Samuel Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) was an American author of hardboiled detective novels and short stories. In addition to the significant influence his novels and stories had on film, Hammett "is now widely regarded as one of the finest mystery writers of all time" and was called, in his obituary in the New York Times, "the dean of the 'hard-boiled' school of detective fiction."
Genre 6 Noir Novels by Dashiell Hammett (.ePUB): Fiction | Noir


Red Harvest:
When the last honest citizen of Poisonville was murdered, the Continental Op stayed on to punish the guilty--even if that meant taking on an entire town. Red Harvest is more than a superb crime novel: it is a classic exploration of corruption and violence in the American grain.

The Adventures of Sam Spade:
Collection of seven short stories. Introduction by Ellery Queen.

The Dain Curse:

Everything about the Leggett diamond heist indicated to the Continental Op that it was an inside job. From the stray diamond found in the yard to the eyewitness accounts of a "strange man" casing the house, everything was just too pat. Gabrielle Dain-Leggett has enough secrets to fill a closet, and when she disappears shortly after the robbery, she becomes the Op's prime suspect. But her father, Edgar Leggett, keeps some strange company himself and has a dark side the moon would envy. Before he can solve the riddle of the diamond theft, the Continental Op must first solve the mystery of this strange family.

The Glass Key:

Paul Madvig was a cheerfully corrupt ward-heeler who aspired to something better: the daughter of Senator Ralph Bancroft Henry, the heiress to a dynasty of political purebreds. Did he want her badly enough to commit murder? And if Madvig was innocent, which of his dozens of enemies was doing an awfully good job of framing him? Dashiell Hammett's tour de force of detective fiction combines an airtight plot, authentically venal characters, and writing of telegraphic crispness.

The Thin Man:
Retirement suited Nick just fine. He had a pretty wife called Nora, a Schnauzer called Asta, and a taste for good Scotch. All it took was a little persuasion. Like four .32 bullets, a blonde, the newspapers, the cops, and a junked-up hoodlam in his bedroom. Nick Charles, former Trans-American Detective Agency Ace, was back in business! At once knowing and unabashedly romantic, The Thin Man is a murder mystery that doubles as a sophisticated comedy of manners.

Woman in the Dark:
On a dark night, a young woman seeks refuge at an isolated house. She is hurt and frightened. The man and woman who live there take her in. But their decency is utterly unequipped to deal with the woman in the dark, or with the designs of the men who want her. First published in installments in Liberty magazine and now rediscovered after many years, Woman in the Dark shows Dashiell Hammett at the peak of his narrative powers.

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Mirror Download Free 6 Noir Novels by Dashiell Hammett (.ePUB):

The Maltese Falcon
Afraid of a Gun & Other Stories
Nightmare Town

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